Remy Vs Non-Remy Hair Wigs - Final Verdict by the Experts – AliGrace Ignorer et passer au contenu

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Remy Vs Non-Remy Hair Wigs - Final Verdict by the Experts

Remy Vs Non-Remy Hair Wigs - Final Verdict by the Experts

Remy Vs Non-Remy Hair Wigs - Final Verdict by the Experts

When you are exploring the world of human hair wigs, you may come across the terms: Remy and Non-Remy Hair. You may wonder what exactly those terms mean, if they make a difference in the quality of your wig, and if you should bother selecting one over the other. As a leader in human hair wigs and lace wigs, Ali Grace is here to provide accurate and helpful answers to pressing questions such as these. In short, you should care about these terms, they do make a difference, and you should choose Remy hair over Non-Remy hair. Follow along with this brief, yet a thorough, guide to learn more!


What Is Remy and Non-Remy Hair?

Remy hair is high-grade hair. It means that all the hair on your wig or weave has been collected from one, single human hair donor. On the other hand, Non-Remy hair is still human hair, yet it is collected via piles. Since this is the case, it can be from many different donors or it can be collected in many different directions (rather than all strands being root to tip, they may alter between root to tip and tip to root).


Why Is Remy Hair Better?

Remy hair is superior to Non-Remy hair, mainly because all hair will be aligned root to tip, all cuticles are intact, and all the hair is similar making cutting, styling, and coloring easy. When you purchase Remy hair, you will benefit from smoother, more natural-looking, and more manageable hair. Likewise, your wig or weave will be less prone to tangling or matting which can be a frustrating aspect of Non-Remy hair pieces. Along the same lines, since Remy hair is less likely to experience needless damage, it will last longer and look healthier longer (given you take care of it properly).


Why Is Non-Remy Hair Popular?

If Remy hair is better, you may wonder why Non-Remy hair is popular. It is mostly because Non-Remy hair is easier to find from online suppliers and retail shops, and it is a cheaper option. However, low-quality hair pieces made up of Non-Remy hair are unlikely to give you the hair looks and finishes that you desire. They will also take damage, display frizz, shed, tangle, and mat easily and quickly. Since this is the case, most manufacturers who sell Non-Remy hair also infuse the hair with silicone products to make it look smooth, silky, and shiny. Once you wash the hair, that illusion falls away and you are left with visibly low-quality hair.

Does Ali Grace Sell Remy or Non-Remy Hair?
Ali Grace prides itself on selling high-quality, high-grade human hair. It may come as no surprise that we are committed to providing Remy hair in our lace wigs, weaves, and bundles. Unless you are opting for dyed, bleached, ombred, or highlighted hair, our Remy hair is also 100% virgin human hair meaning it has not been chemically processed or treated. You can experience all-natural, healthy hair collected from one donor, kept aligned, and carefully sewn or knotted into our wigs or wefts. You can feel confident ordering our hair pieces, knowing you will receive nothing less than gorgeous, natural hair.



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